DIY Planter

Step 1:
Remove Cover & All Other Items From Inside the Planter.
Save cover, Tea Mix, & Pipette (will be used in approx. 2 weeks)
The cover is a reusable Casting Tea Bag (Instructions Below)
Step 2:
Shred or Finely Cut Paper Packages
Compost Any Unused Packages (Thread & All)
Step 3:
In A Separate Bowl, Create Soil Substrate Mixture
Mix provided Soil Subrate, Worm Castings, Carbon, & Paper
Step 4:
Dampen Mixture to Desired Consistency of a Wrung-Out Sponge
Add approx. 1 cup of water and mix thoroughly
Add more water if needed (Small Amounts at a Time)
Step 5:
Place Lava Stones Into Bottom of Planter. (Bottom Layer)
Adds drainage to help prevent Root Rot
Step 6:
Layer Soil Mixture On Top of the Lava Rocks (Top Layer)
Do not mix rocks & soil together​
Step 7:​
Plant Seed into the Center of the Planter​​
Please follow the instructions on the included Seed Planting Card.
Each DIY Planter includes Plant Type Specific Planting Instructions (planting instructions may differ from what we showed in our video)​​​​
Step 8:
In Approx. 2 Weeks Time, Water with TRAD CASTING TEA
You will need saved Cover, Tea Mix, & Pipette
Follow Brewing Instructions Below​
Congratulations, Your DIY Planter is Complete!!
Casting Tea Brewing Instructions:​
Empty Tea Mix Into Reusable Cover
Pull the String on the Cover Tight to Make the Tea-bag.
Place Tea Bag Directly Into Approx. 1L of Room Temp. Water
Carefully, Cut Off The Tip Of The Pipette
Add Contents of the Pipette Directly to the Same Water As Tea Bag
Allow the Mixture to Brew (soak) for up to 24 Hours (Maximum)
No additional attention is required during the brew.​
Remove Tea Bag From Water
Gently Squeeze and Massage Excess Water from Tea Bag
Water Planter as Normal
Use extra tea for additional house plants watering -
Do Not Store for more than 24hrs after completing the brew
Empty the Tea Bag Contents on top of the Planters Soil​
A New Tea Mix is required for each brew​​
For Optimal Growth & Plant Health Results
Water with TRAD CASTING TEA Every 4-6 Weeks
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